Nintendo Switch Online Gets Donkey Kong Land 3

Another week, another update for the Nintendo Switch Online which has so far seen both Donkey Kong Land and Donkey Kong Land 2 make their way to the NSO Game Boy collection. 

The latest release for the Nintendo Switch Online is Donkey Kong Land 3 for the Game Boy. This means that for the third week in a row, a new game has been added to the subscription service. However, what is more interesting is that once again it is a Donkey Kong game being added which brings hope that over the next several weeks we see more games in the franchise make their way over. 

There are several Donkey Kong games that we would love to see come to the Nintendo Switch Online subscription service. For instance, although not a game we actually consider to be very good, and in fact it’s probably made worse by the fact it was developed by Rare, is Donkey Kong 64. It’s pretty surprising that this game has not yet seen a release for the Nintendo 64 library on the Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack. 

Other games we want to see are Donkey Kong for the Game Boy which though begins much like the arcade original, soon takes on a life of its own, as well as Diddy Kong Racing for the Nintendo 64 which we absolutely love. With any luck, these and more are on the way.

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