Every once in a while, a game comes along that changes the face of gaming and destroys the lives of millions that are pulled into its never ending grasp of addiction. First in 1985 came Tetris and it was popular. But then Nintendo bundled it with the launch of the Game Boy and it exploded ...
There are so many random and pointless games that have released for all consoles ever since their creation. And sometimes they’re just so bad, they become the core of the myth surrounding why the North American video game crash of 1983 happened. Yeah I’m talking about ET. But then you get the huge shit...
Christmas is over which is really bizarre because most people spend two months building up hype to the single day where all anyone cares about are presents and pigs in blankets. What a waste. Apart from the pigs in blankets, those should be a national meal all year round. So anyway, let’s look at...
Ho Ho Ho you sad little forkers it’s that magical time of year again where you spent all your early December wages on buying presents for people you spend as much time staying away from, then pretending to it came from jolly fat bearded bloke that probably should be locked up. He spends a lot ...
Another list article, because it’s coming up to the end of the year and we all know how much people love looking at these kinds of articles on various news sites. So this time I thought, why not look at the Metacritic site and see what the all time best games are, as of right ...
Since everyone loves listening to articles and it’s so damn easy to do, here’s another one. Unfortunately Metacritic haven’t done a list of their own for the best games of the year, so I just took it from their website. It required a couple of extra clicks which is annoying because these lists are all ....
Remember how every year Sega kept saying something stupid like how they listened to their fans and they recognised that there is a legit desire to see reboots or remakes or something to do with the classic IP that Sega has a full on warehouse of? And remember how every year, it turned out what ...
The end of 2023 is near and so we take an easy approach at making an article that’s just a list created by Metacritic and use that to look like we put in some work. Actually the reality is, you can Google this list as Metacritic did an editorial article telling you this list. But ...
It’s really bizarre to think about how we are already three years into the current console generation. Part of that is no doubt due to the fact we lost two years because of a pandemic that saw millions working from home and isolating. The PS5 and Xbox Series X/S would no doubt have had a ...
There are so many great games that came to the Amiga, and thanks to the Amiga 500 Mini, you don’t even need to worry about emulating them on your PC. You can emulate them on your 70 odd inch TV instead. What a world we live in. Anyway, I thought best to look at some ...